Wednesday, April 6, 2011

F.A.L.T.U : A Plagiarised movie from Hollywood movie 'Accepted' : Who will detect Plagiarism?

Those who have seen movie F.A.L.TU. may want to know the fact that it strongly resembles with the Hollywood Flick 'Accepted [2006]'.

"A high school slacker who's rejected by every school he applies to opts to create his own institution of higher learning, the South Harmon Institute of Technology, on a rundown piece of property near his hometown." [IMDB Page of 'Accepted']

Don't these lines make you think of the plot of Bollywood movie F.A.L.T.U? Yes its true, its the same story with a little makeover and in my opinion, they had to do those changes because they were inefficient even to reproduce the same story :D . Well I seriously pity on the debutant director who starts the career from such a plagiarised story and talks about creativity and passion in the movie.

This is not the only plagiarised movie, The list is long and includes some of the big names like 'Gajni' from 'Memento', 'Partner' from 'Hitch' . Sometimes songs are copied from some other songs, and our Anu Malik and Pritam are famous for that.

Plagiarism is prominent also in text, like we use someone else's work or text without explicitly acknowledging the person or source. “You know the feeling while reading an article on a topic related to your own research, you gradually become aware of a strong similarity between the ideas expressed and those you published some time ago. A quick glance at the references cited shows you that your article isn’t mentioned. ”[Garfield, 1980]. Here, as I have given the reference to Garfield so it is not Plagiarism! You may find it very frequent in student reports, even there are very funny cases like professor publishing book from the Ph.D thesis of his/her student.

As one of my research area is Natural Language Processing and somewhat plagiarism detection in text, this kind of incidents provoke me to write something about it. Plagiarism Detection has much moral and social impact than merely a profitable application. Because we help directly the society by making life of the plagiariser hard and promote the original work at the same time make the environment more ethical and authentic.

I sign off with a hope not to come across such cases again!

1 comment:

  1. nice thought..
    but i think there is no end to plagiarism.. :(
